Firefly Festival is bursting with light and celebration. The grounds feel like a little village – with a marketplace, forest pathways strung with lanterns, a hammock hangout criss-crossed with SoCo hammocks in the woods. The people behind SoCo are our friends from Austin, and we love them and their company because they make an awesome product for a good cause – they have a transparent, ethical production process, and every month they donate to a worthy nonprofit.
Yesterday we saw Stop Light Observation and were completely blown away by their performance. They headlined The Big Break stage because they won the popular vote of a contest of 2,500 unsigned bands.
The last few days, we’ve heard the stories of some behind the scenes staff of Firefly. One girl drove the shuttle for her favorite artists, a cameraman gave up the opportunity to shoot the World Cup to film at Firefly, one girl designed the lights in the trees, and another girl worked as musician hospitality behind stage – meaning her job was to hang out with the musicians and make sure they were happy. It’s such a marvel to see how an event this big and beautiful comes together! We’re so grateful for everyone’s talent and genius.
Today is the last day of Festivalin’ before we’re in New York City for a month. We’ve loved our two weeks on the road so much. They were peppered with inspiring new friends, wild, soulful music, and days spent outside, noticing small things we usually overlook, like the relief of shade and a breeze, or the glittering of the golden hour as the sun sets each evening. We’re so excited for the city, but are glad it won’t be too long until we’re at another Festival again; we’ll be at Lollapalooza at the beginning of August!